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Block access unwanted websites from PC

Block access unwanted websites from PC

Block Websites
Block Websites
Sometimes it is seen that when you access some websites, other unwanted websites try to open. Sometimes you need to block some websites from children/others on your computer. Or you want to block unwanted websites. So you find some software that can block unwanted websites. But I am telling you that you need not any software for this. You can do this manually in your computer. Follow the steps below.

Find the hosts file. It usually located in
For Windows 7 : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
For Windows XP Pro : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts  or  C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Open hosts file with notepad and at the end of the file type the link below : 
Now no longer be access.
For every sites that you want to block, just add '1' to the last number of the internal IP address ( then a space and then type the website that you want to block.
For example: 
NOTE : Make sure there is no space at the beginning of each line. If you are unable to save then check User Account Control (from security) from control panel. And set it off.

Block Websites by hosts file
NOTE : If you hide your IP address and use fake IP then this tricks does not work. You can open all blocked websites.
