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Show Processor as Intel Core i7 or anything

Show Processor as Intel Core i7 or anything

Have you ever think that you can do something cool thing on computer that makes your friends surprise? You can try to change your processor name from computer properties and make your friends surprise. 

I want to say that suppose you are using Intel Core 2 Duo and you want to see it as Pentium 5, Intel Core i5 or anything like your name or any text. Don't worry, it does not effect your operating system or processor. When you reboot your computer, it will shows your original processor name. Just follow the steps below and enjoy the cool tricks. 
First go to Run and type regedit and open it.
Now follow the steps : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> HARDWARE -> DESCRIPTION -> System ->CentralProcessor ->
When you open CentralProcessor folder, you will see more one or two folder. Click on them and you will see a list at right side.
Find the name ProcessorNameString and right click on it and modify.
Into Value data, write ever you want or name it Intel Core i7. And click OK.
After 4 or 5 second later open your computer properties and look at your Processor name.

Note : This note for new computer users who are going to buy a second hand computer. The salesman could make you fool by changing processor name. So you restart the computer and check the original processor name.
